Sentier littoral - Crossing of Cerbère
Sentier littoral - Crossing of Cerbère

Sentier littoral - Crossing of Cerbère

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Not far from the spain border


  1. Leaving the railway path, take the left pavement and go along the RD 914. On the path that leads to the center of town, admire and visit the "Belvédère du Rayon Vert", an old cinema hotel decorated in a style typical of the 1930s.
  2. Then, go down by the coastal path at the edge of the sea to the town center. Continue by the tourism Office, the city hall, the viaduct station and the shops, following the edge of the sea. Continue towards Spain and take the paved path above the snorkel center along the RD 914.
  3. Follow the road by the pedestrian path to the cemetery.  There take the path though the brush on the left and go down along the cliffs. You will arrive at  Cap Cerbère and the solar lighthouse.The lighthouse is  completely autonomous because of its photovoltaics cells. It has been functioning for 20 years. The scenery and landscaping of Cap Cebere make it a popular stop. On a clear day, the solar lighthouse can be seen from 15 nautical miles away. From here, you can appreciate both the Spanish and French coastlines, as well as the cliffs of Bou Fallut, which are among the highest in Europe.
  • Departure : D 119 : railway terminal
  • Arrival : Cap Cerbère and solar lighthouse
  • Towns crossed : CERBERE

Altimetric profile


You enjoy nature, You like it, take care of it...

Along the hiking trail, rubbish bins are at your disposal.
Every month over tens of thousands of hikers and walkers visit this exceptional site. Please do not litter and use the rubbish bins (glass, plastic, rubbish etc...). Also, please dispose of any litter you might find along the trail.
Help keep this site clean with simple yet essential gestures. Lets give back to nature what nature gave us


Bus stop : City hall

Access and parking

By the RD 914, possibility of parking at the Parking Front Sea.

Parking :

Central beach carpark