Sentier littoral - Path of natural marine reserve 2
13. Sentier littoral - Path of natural marine reserve 2
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1 point of interest
- compass
Viewpoint orientator of Cap Rederis
Enjoy this panoramic point of view to observe the landscape.
- At the end of the parking area take the path that joins the paved road by the stairs . Turn left and follow the path that passes along a vineyard and go down in through the scrubland and cross a ditch..
- Pass the footbridge. The path climbs up and goes along a private property (please respect) and continue to the Peyrefitte Beach , which borders Banyuls-sur-mer and Cerbère.This beach is also the departure point of the submarine path. The path continues following the littoral to Cerbere.
- Departure : Cap Rédéris’ paking area
- Arrival : Peyrefitte Beach
- Towns crossed : BANYULS SUR MER and CERBERE
Altimetric profile
You enjoy nature, You like it, take care of it...
Along the hiking trail, rubbish bins are at your disposal.
Every month over tens of thousands of hikers and walkers visit this exceptional site. Please do not litter and use the rubbish bins (glass, plastic, rubbish etc...). Also, please dispose of any litter you might find along the trail.
Help keep this site clean with simple yet essential gestures. Lets give back to nature what nature gave us
Bus stop : Cap Peyrefitte (itinerary’s end)
Access and parking
By RD 914, possibility to park on Cap Rédéris area.
Parking :
Cap Rédéris car park