Sentier littoral - Crossing of Banyuls-sur-Mer
Sentier littoral - Crossing of Banyuls-sur-Mer

Sentier littoral - Crossing of Banyuls-sur-Mer

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From Art to Science

1 point of interest

  • History

    Arago Laboratory

    In the early 1880s, the zoologist Henri De Lacaze Duthiers prospected the Mediterranean Coast to establish a marine station. In 1882, the Arago Laboratory opened its doors at its current location, and the public aquarium was inaugurated in 1884. The laboratory welcomed scientists who wanted to advance marine science. The research structures were regularly expanded to welcome new researchers who contributed to the renown of the laboratory.


  1. Turn left on the pavement towards  Cap d’Osne and continue down to the central beach . Continue along past the bars and restaurants to arrive in front of the tourism office, where we can admire a statue of  native son, Aristide Maillol  ("L'ile de France sans bras").
  2. Continue in direction of the Arago Laboratory (Aquarium) by the Alleys Maillol. Here you can see another sculpture by the artist Maillol  ("La jeune fille allongée") . At the port entrance (classified «  Port de terroir »), continue on the path in front of the Arago laboratoy that leads to the Grosse Island..
  3. Turn right at the end of the building turn right and take the stairs that  lead to  the RD 914. At the beginning of the 1880’s after  building   the Marine Station of Roscoff, on the Manche sea, the zoologist of the Sorbonne, Henri de Lacaze Duthiers (1821—1901) decided to explore  the Mediterranean Coast to and to establish   a second station. The rocky coast near spain offered a variety of habitats and organisms. Henri De Lacaze Duthiers, attracted by Banyuls sur mer, decided to build his new laboratory there.
  • Departure : Plage des Elmes
  • Arrival : Water treatment plant
  • Towns crossed : BANYULS SUR MER

Altimetric profile


You enjoy nature, You like it, take care of it...

Along the hiking trail, rubbish bins are at your disposal.
Every month over tens of thousands of hikers and walkers visit this exceptional site. Please do not litter and use the rubbish bins (glass, plastic, rubbish etc...). Also, please dispose of any litter you might find along the trail.
Help keep this site clean with simple yet essential gestures. Lets give back to nature what nature gave us


Bus stop : République Avenue

Access and parking

By the RD 914, Possibility of parking at  Elmes’carpark.


Emergency number :114