Sentier littoral - Cap Béar’s path
Sentier littoral - Cap Béar’s path

Sentier littoral - Cap Béar’s path

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From the steep cliffs of the Cap Béar to the bay of Paulilles, this path will offer you panoramas absolutely breathtaking

3 points of interest

  • Cultural heritage

    Fort Béar

    Built between 1877 and 1880, Fort Béar was built in order to lock the borders and replace the fortifications of Vauban with buried polygonal forts. This fort was used until the middle of the 20th century, when a radio station was installed after the German occupation (1949). He is now owned by the Army.
  • shipwreck

    The Bazan

    After a big storm, the Bazan ended his trip on December 21, 1917 on the rocks of Cape Béar. A few hundred yards away, he was returning to the port of Vendres! Unfortunately, it is there, about fifteen meters deep. The wreck is not whole but spread around the rocky bar. The field of fragments encourages the search for clues to understand what happened.
  • Geology

    Les schistes plissés du Cap Béar

    The steep shale cliffs of Cape Béar consist of deformed and metamorphosed meta-sediments (transformation of minerals under the effect of pressure or temperature). They show alternating rocks, which highlights sediment stratification. The rocks deform and change over time as shown by the many folds, from centimeters to metric or even kilometers. Its presence between sea and mountain makes it exceptional (BRGM).


  1. The fisrt part of this path is up the road (cross two times). The second part leads in front of the semaphore.
  2. Then take the road about 100 meters on, before arriving at the Cap Béar lighthouse . This lighthouse (27 meters in height) was built in 1905 with the pink marble of Villefranche de Conflent.
  3. When the weather is clear , the panoramic view  allows one to see the Cap Cerbere and even farther away, the Cap Creus.
  4. The second part of this path is steeper. Be careful, for the next 3 kilometers no cross-access exists.  Arrive at Bernadi’s beach, follow the wall built by German forces during the second world war. A legend says that in olden times  a fisherman that came from Bernardi’s beach with his mule found in his nets a Christ with a crown made of rope. The mule ran away through the vineyard to the Cosprons’ hamlet. A chapel was built there which is classified as a historical monument, and it contains this sailor Christ on a cross
  • Departure : Port’s pier of Port-Vendres
  • Arrival : Bernardi beach
  • Towns crossed : PORT-VENDRES


You enjoy nature, You like it, take care of it...

Along the hiking trail, rubbish bins are at your disposal.
Every month over tens of thousands of hikers and walkers visit this exceptional site. Please do not litter and use the rubbish bins (glass, plastic, rubbish etc...). Also, please dispose of any litter you might find along the trail.
Help keep this site clean with simple yet essential gestures. Lets give back to nature what nature gave us


Access and parking

At the exit of Port-Vendres, in direction of the commercial port, take the road of the pier. Park  near the camping cars area.

Parking :

Carpark of Bernadi’s Beach , carpark of Paulilles, carpark of the Béar Reboubt