Sentier littoral - Traversée de Port-Vendres
Sentier littoral - Traversée de Port-Vendres

Sentier littoral - Traversée de Port-Vendres

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When your walk cross the economic life of a port

1 point of interest

  • Nostra Mar

    Club hiking webbed and environmental awareness. Discover the rich marine environment of the Côte Vermeille from the edge with fins, mask and snorkel! Marine, diving instructor and biologist, will guide you. All levels. Equipment provided: fins, mask, snorkel, combination.


  1. At the end of the Moorish path located behind the auction house of Port-Vendres, turn right. Walk along Rue de la Mirande street, then Rue Arago, also called “sun street" because of it faces due south.Arrive at les quais du vieux port quays and pass in front of the church Notre Dame de Bonne Nouvelle.Take the left to reach le quai de l’Obelisque. Its name is linked with the square which overlooks  the quay, with an obelisk made from Roussillon marble can be admired. Go back and go along le quai Jean Moulin, then les Quais Forgas et François Joly.
  2. Go round the marina which can contain 254 boats and since 2009 has had the sea certification label « Pavillon bleu » for protection of environment. Then follow le Quai Republique.
  3. Pass in front of the tower clock, that was destroyed in 1930 to allow the to be enlarged and then rebuilt identically further away . Go round  the technical zone of the commercial port Port-Vendres, known for its port activity dating back to antiquity, is now the second largest international fruit port in the Mediterranean. Continue along the road until you arrive at the railway.
  4. There, take the left path that joins the roundabout from the cycle path. Take road  alon the pier on the right for a few hundred meters. Just before the tunnel on left, a sign indicates the beginning of the “Sentier des Redoutes”.
  • Departure : Auction house of Port-Vendres
  • Arrival : Chemin des « Tamarins » (before the tunnel)
  • Towns crossed : PORT-VENDRES

Altimetric profile


You enjoy nature, You like it, take care of it…

Along the hiking trail, rubbish bins are at your disposal.
Every month over tens of thousands of hikers and walkers visit this exceptional site. Please do not litter and use the rubbish bins (glass, plastic, rubbish etc...). Also, please dispose of any litter you might find along the trail.
Help keep this site clean with simple yet essential gestures. Lets give back to nature what nature gave us


Bus stop at the cemetery, Obelisk, the quays

Access and parking

By car, park in Obelisk carpark (free except from june to september)

Parking :

Port carpark, Obélisque carpark


Emergency number :114