The cross-border hike
The cross-border hike

The cross-border hike

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Embark on the conquest of this long hike of nearly 30km and 2000m of elevation gain.
Are you enthusiasts of wild places where the forest is silent? Or are you addicted to challenges and panoramic views?

2 points of interest

  • Dolmen

    Dolmen dels Collets de Cotlliure

    Find this dolmen on the path that connects the Château de Valmy to the Tour de la Massane. The path will lead you first to the Dolmen de la Cova de l'Alarb, then you will arrive directly at the Dolmen del Collets area. Open your eyes and look around. The dolmen is there but in poor condition.
  • Cultural heritage

    Château de Valmy

    An amazing space leaning against the Albères, embracing the vineyards and the Mediterranean: welcome to the Château de Valmy. Art Nouveau style, it is the work of the Danish architect Viggo Petersen. It is Pierre Bardou, a Peruvian industrialist creator of the brand JOB, who controls this castle for his daughter Jeanne from 1888 to 1900. His descendants are still owners of the castle. They relaunched the wine business and created guest rooms at the Château. Go check it out !


  1. From the Valmy parking lot, retrace your steps and turn left towards "Camping des Mimosas."
  2. Pass the campsite and Mas Blanc, then begin the ascent on the DFCI-AL trail No. 39.
  3. At the intersection of the two trails, turn right onto the DFCI-AL trail No. 28, passing by the cistern.
  4. Take the trail on the left that ascends into the cork oak forest.
  5. At this junction, take the right path that leads to Roc del Grill.
  6. At Roc del Grill, descend towards Lavail.
  7. Take the trail on the right that follows the "La Massana" river and Lavail gorges. Cross the hamlet via the road to Saint André.
  8. Before the bridge, turn left and ascend into the forest.
  9. Points of interest: "Roc de les Medes," a large rocky block, and "Font del Miracles" at the base of a massive beech tree. Then, reach the Col de l'Aranyo.
  10. From Col de l'Aranyo, head towards Col des Trois Hêtres and Pic des Quatre Termes.
  11. GR10 milestone. From Pic des Quatre Termes (1158m), proceed to Pic de la Carbassera (1000m) and Pic Sailfort (978m).
  12. From Sailfort, continue along the GR10, offering an unobstructed view of both Catalonias.
  13. Turn right, following the route of water catchments from Font d'en Vergès and Font d'en Cassanyes.
  14. At Col de Verderol (776m), traverse the beech forest.
  15. At this intersection, turn right, then left onto the DFCI AL41ter trail.
  16. Cross the trail and descend the path to discover the Dolmen del Collets de Colliure and the Domen de la Cova de l'Alarb.
  17. Turn left onto DFCI AL42 and take the small trail parallel to Valmy, which rejoins the trail and returns to the starting point.
  • Departure : Valmy Castle
  • Arrival : Valmy Castle

Altimetric profile


Plan for water, a hat, snacks, sunscreen, a windbreaker, and possibly a waterproof jacket. Do not stray from the marked trails. Respect nature and carry your waste back with you! Remember to check the weather before departure, as well as the fire risk in the area.


Access and parking

D 914" , from Argelès-sur-Mer, head towards Valmy Castle.

Parking :

Valmy Castle car park