(E 12 - GR 92) Colera - Portbou
(E 12 - GR 92) Colera - Portbou
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Itinerary with dry stone walls and protected natural areas
From Colera town hall, turn left and climb the stairs to the end of rue de l'Eglise, turn right and continue to N-260.
- Cross the N-260 and go up to the side of the water tank where the GR-92 starts. Follow the path that leads to the ridge from where you can admire a magnificent view of Colera Bay and all of its beaches.
- In front of Puig Falcó, follow the path on the right to Coll del Frare which overlooks Colera and Portbou.
- Go down the road following the ridge until you find the road. Then continue for about 400 m along the road leading to Tonicus.
- Continue along the path to the town of Portbou.
- Go down the stairs and continue along rue Alcalde Miquel Cabré to the Tourist Office.
- Departure : City hall of Colera
Altimetric profile
Excursion for everyone. There's a lot of wind. Hiking not recommended on busy days.
Access and parking
Access by train, R11 lines and N-260 road. www.sarfa.es www.renfe.com
Parking :
It is recommended to park on the market or in the Passeig Marítim car park.